Responsible brokerage
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For Sp-Koti, responsibility consists of small and large actions
For us in the Sp-Koti chain, responsibility is an integral part of our daily work and activities. In our responsibility programme, we have defined precisely and concretely how our responsible approach is reflected in our relation to our customers, the environment, and the economy.
Our responsibility programme serves as an important guideline for every entrepreneur and employee of Sp-Koti. Our goal is to ensure that our responsible way of working, and the values of our chain are reflected in all our actions and daily work with customers.
For Sp-Koti, responsibility consists of small and large actions that produce bring happiness to our customers, the work community, our company, and the environment.
The basic premise of our operations is that we treat all people, customers, intermediaries, and partners with respect and equality. We take care of the work ability and well-being of our entrepreneurs and employees as well as their continuous professional development in many different ways.
In our operations, we comply with the legislation concerning the real estate agency sector and the good brokerage practice guidelines of the Federation of Real Estate Agency. We will not compromise on this under any circumstances.
When you are looking for a responsible real estate professional to help you manage your property or real estate transactions, get in touch with us.
Values drive responsibility
The values defined by all entrepreneurs and employees in our national real estate chain are customer-friendliness, cooperation, reliability, and profitability. Based on these values, we act, help our customers fulfil their own housing wishes and promote responsible brokerage in Finland.
Our main themes of responsibility
Sp-Koti’s main themes of responsibility are Responsible customer work, Responsible corporate culture, Good management, Local responsibility and Environmenta responsibility.
These themes are promoted by the concrete operating methods that we have defined together, and by adhering to them, we bear social, economic, and ecological responsibility as a company and as a social actor. Our sustainability themes support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which are divided into economic, social, and environmental responsibility.
Responsibility is reflected in our daily work
For example, we bear economic social responsibility by avoiding the grey economy and paying taxes appropriately, investing in high-quality entrepreneurial recruitment, and selecting reliable, profitable, and responsible partners. We make sure that every Sp-Koti company pays its taxes, wages, and bills on time, i.e. makes profitable business.
For us, social responsibility means that we are a self-directed and innovative work community of top experts that values and promotes well-being at work, good leadership, diversity, and equality. Supervisors are responsible for supporting and encouraging our employees in their work and ensuring that the work does not burden them too much.
We promote the wellbeing of Finns by assisting several local organisations, sports clubs, and animal associations throughout Finland every year.
For example, we bear environmental responsibility in such a way that, as a chain, we are transitioning towards an entirely paperless sales and transaction method as well as an electronic tendering procedure. More and more of our property viewings and sales materials as well as the documents needed for transactions are currently available only in an electronic format. We print as few documents as possible, sort waste, and save energy at all our offices. We also strive to reduce our daily carbon footprint when moving around by recommending our employees to use electric and hybrid cars and, where possible, e-bikes and public transport.